
After reluctantly being introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I have become a dedicated fan. I was particularly taken with the Thor series, and the complex, conflicted character of Loki, Thor’s adopted brother. I remember the exact moment when I became a Loki fan. It was in the first movie when Loki confronts Odin about his heritage, and this is his initial reaction (credits to the gif maker):


Loki was not just an angst-y teenager, a rebel, or even a dis-inherited son. Perhaps his anger was justified. There was so much more there than initially met the eye – so much that doesn’t come to the surface until the second or third … or twelfth time watching. The MCU writers took the stories from Stan Lee’s comics and expanded them into “three dimensional” characters and full, epic cinematic tales. Reading fan fiction, blog posts, and discussion boards only deepened my appreciation for the stories, the characters, the actors, and the writers of the series. There is so much depth crammed into a short couple hours that it has taken me months – years – to digest it all. And I still encounter new perspectives and insights from time to time. There will always be critics and naysayers, comics purists, literature snobs, and DC-only militants, but it is my opinion that the creators of the Thor series have provided a timeless classic of theatrical art. And of course, credit must be given to the man who brought Loki to life – made him human – made him super-human: Tom Hiddleston. He summed it up best when he said, “Every villain is a hero in his own mind.”

So let’s explore more of Loki’s story …