Memories of Jotenheim

Today’s section, 14.1 Odin’s Heir – To Jotenheim, is really the first part of a 3-part section in which Loki is recalling events just prior to the start of our story. This part of my tale was one of my favorites to write and I hope you enjoy reading it just as much!


(Credits to the artist for the artwork that was part of the inspiration for this section.)

The New and the Familiar

Today we have added a new section, 3.0 On Guard, to our tale in which we meet a new character and some familiar characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Hope you enjoy my versions! Feel free to drop me a line with comments or questions!

Happy THORSday!


Entre Calypso

Check out the first full scene of the story, 1.0 Calypso, wherein a familiar character encounters a new character! Nothing like a little blending of Norse and Greek mythology to add color to a story! 😉

Stay tuned for more scenes every THORSday!

-The Monk